{Three best friends sharing health and wellness ideas to create a positive change}

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

No Time for Breakfast? Think Again!

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We have all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? While this is not 100% true, there is truth in it. Breakfast cannot necessarily be labeled as the most important, but it is just as important as other meals. It is part of a balanced, healthy diet and helps you start your day off right.

Eating a healthy breakfast is important because it curbs late morning/early afternoon cravings and also helps decrease overeating at your next meal since you will not be "ravenous" when you eat. The best breakfasts are a combination of whole grains and lean proteins. For examples of whole grains and proteins, read our post here.

Okay, so we get that breakfast is important, but mornings are always kind of crazy for everyone and getting a good, nutritious breakfast in can be hard. No worries, we are here to help!

Here are some healthy breakfasts that require little to no prep time in the morning and they will also keep you filling full and satisfied!

Overnight Oats
These are sort of new to me but I think they are perfect for busy mornings! They require no cooking and the prep the night before is a breeze. You literally grab them out of the fridge that morning and go. They are also great because you can basically add whatever you want to them to create different flavors! You could add jam, different flavors of yogurt, peanut butter, nuts, different fruits, granola, coconut, etc. There are TONS of recipes online. If you don't like them cold, throw them in the microwave to long enough to get rid of the "chill."

Here is a basic recipe that you can modify however you wish:

2/3 cup oats
2/3 cup (depending on how thick you want it) milk, almond milk, or coconut milk
2/3 cup yogurt
Combine ingredients in a jar and place in the fridge overnight. In the morning you can top with whatever you want! I love to top it will a little brown sugar and fruit.

Yogurt topped with fruit and granola
The key to this is to have everything ready to go-your granola made (recipe here) and your fruit washed and cut, if needed. I like to have everything in separate containers then I just dump the fruit and granola onto my yogurt when I'm ready to eat it. So fast, filling, and yummy!

Even though smoothies are fast to make, it can be hard to fit it in on a busy morning. Luckily, they do not have to be made that morning. Make your smoothie the night before and have it in your container and ready to go! To make your smoothie a little more filling, you can add some slivers of almonds or other nuts. I have also seen people make a "smoothie bowl" and top with it nuts, chia seeds, or granola. Find a few of my favorite smoothies here.

Eggs and toast
Keep boiled eggs in the fridge for those busy mornings. They are a quick and easy breakfast to take with you on the go! Add some whole grain toast topped with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter to keep you filling full through the morning.

Eating healthy doesn't always have to take a lot of time. Play around with different ideas and find what works best for you and your family!



  1. I grew up eating breakfast and love it! As my mom always said, "Eat now to keep from getting hungry!" The point is, eating breakfast keeps you from grabbing whatever is close and quick when you hit that beyond hungry phase. Too often that means a donut or some other high calorie low nutrition item. Enjoy!

    1. mmm donut.....haha but really I agree, breakfast curbs that desire to grab high calorie/low nutrition food when lunch time rolls around!

  2. Great ideas!! Loving your blog!
